Portal 2 pc ps3 buttons
Portal 2 pc ps3 buttons

  1. #Portal 2 pc ps3 buttons how to
  2. #Portal 2 pc ps3 buttons install
  3. #Portal 2 pc ps3 buttons download
  4. #Portal 2 pc ps3 buttons windows

Using a script or add-on that scans GameFAQs for box and screen images (such as an emulator front-end), while overloading our search engine.There is no official GameFAQs app, and we do not support nor have any contact with the makers of these unofficial apps. Continued use of these apps may cause your IP to be blocked indefinitely. This triggers our anti-spambot measures, which are designed to stop automated systems from flooding the site with traffic. Some unofficial phone apps appear to be using GameFAQs as a back-end, but they do not behave like a real web browser does.Using GameFAQs regularly with these browsers can cause temporary and even permanent IP blocks due to these additional requests. If you are using Maxthon or Brave as a browser, or have installed the Ghostery add-on, you should know that these programs send extra traffic to our servers for every page on the site that you browse.The most common causes of this issue are:

#Portal 2 pc ps3 buttons download

Note that the autoexec.cfg that you can download from my DropBox already has this functionality and keybinding.Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests. Reminder that it only works if sv_cheats is set to 1, and that will disable achievements and stats (like in the coop lobby) until you restart the game! It helps to type bind "u" noclip so you have easy access to it. Open the console again, type in noclip, fly around the level, and type noclip again to fall. You can use noclip to complete it if you want. One map is way too hard, though - I think it's one of the speed gel maps. You can also use this to play co-op by yourself (FOREVER ALONE MODE!!) Sometimes this breaks the pause menu so you can't keep it open for more than 1 frame - I don't know why.Įvery map is possible - but very difficult at times when two players need to do something in tandem - to complete like this.

portal 2 pc ps3 buttons

Press Z and hand off the keyboard and mouse to the other person to switch players (tedious, but the only way really). Originally posted by quaternary:For 2 players with 1 keyboard and mouse - pop open the console, and type sv_cheats 1, press enter, BindToggle "z" in_forceuser, press enter, and then ss_map mp_coop_start.

portal 2 pc ps3 buttons

Disclaimer: this is a secure link to dropbox so feel not afraid. Or alternatively you can download my autoexec.cfg from this link [and paste it to the aforementioned directory. Now click save and you're done! Once you start Portal 2 you can try out opening console with the key you just binded as well as toggling your controller remaps. (The main reason for binding toggleconsole command is because the scandinavian keyboard layout doesn't have the key that is defaulted to it.) If you don't want to bind anything to toggleconsole you can remove it, or if you don't want to bind F-keys, just type in any key you wish to bind inside the quotation marks. You're open to edit any part you deem necessary. Keybindings to togglecontroller, togglekeyboard and toggleconsole These aliases create an automatic toggle for remapping your keyboardĪlias "togglekeyboard" "sv_cheats 1 key_remap_keyboard_for_player1"Īlias "key_remap_keyboard_for_player1" "in_forceuser 0 alias togglekeyboard key_remap_keyboard_for_player2 echo Keyboard remapped to Player 1"Īlias "key_remap_keyboard_for_player2" "in_forceuser 1 alias togglekeyboard key_remap_keyboard_for_player1 echo Keyboard remapped to Player 2"

portal 2 pc ps3 buttons

These aliases create an automatic toggle for remapping your controllerĪlias "remap1to2" "joy_remap_player_for_controller1 2 alias togglecontroller remap2to1 echo Xbox 360 controller 1 remapped to Player 2"Īlias "remap2to1" "joy_remap_player_for_controller1 1 alias togglecontroller remap1to2 echo Xbox 360 controller 1 remapped to Player 1" This automatically enables console so you don't have to

#Portal 2 pc ps3 buttons how to

None of your text editing programs probably know how to open it, but once you double-click it select " Open with notepad". If you rename it to anything else, it is not automatically executed! Hence the name "autoexec". Make sure your folder settings is set to show file extensions. Rename the file to autoexec.cfg and remove the. Text files automatically have the extension. Press right mouse button while in the cfg folder, left click on New ("uusi" in finnish) and press Text file (again "tekstitiedosto" in finnish). To create the file you need to create a new text file like this:

#Portal 2 pc ps3 buttons install

In Linux or iOS the default install directories are found in Steam Support.

#Portal 2 pc ps3 buttons windows

Take note of the directory: it's fairly similar in every Windows system. The most preferable way is to create a new file called autoexec.cfg in the cfg folder in your Portal 2 install directory. Creating an autoexec.cfg otherwise known as user configuration

Portal 2 pc ps3 buttons